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It is a Characteristic method of Expression Presentation or conception in the field of some art i.e A specific designs. There are styles in Writing,  Speaking, Home Decoration & in table manner. In clothing style is a characteristics or distinctive way of a garment which  has the some of features that make it different from other garment.
For instance their are style of ladies Pants, Shorts, Jump Suits. Each is distinctively different in the presentation of the idea of Pants. One or Several style may be in fashion at one time. Style are often named for period of history in which they originated and a style that has faded from the scenes frequently returns to the fashion again. this happened with styles such as Prussian, Roman and Empire.
When Such Style return to fashion where basic elements remain the some although minor details may be alternated to reflect the taste or needs of new era in which they appear.     

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A Short Lived fashion is called fads. Fads usually affects only a narrow group with in a Population & Genrally Concerned with Some unimportant details of the designs.Young People are suspect-able to fads but adults are not totally e-mine. Fads have also been called miniature fashion. It fallow the some cycle as fashion but completing that fashion much more quickly.
A Fads can come & go in a single season fads adopted by some segments of some adult women population. In recent group. for example Sun Glass worn at the head and industrial  zippers on dresses occasionally what first appear to be fads, later develops into classics. The Bikini of  1950's gradually into an expected beach fashion and the garment has lost it power to shock. Another example is a straight chemise which have gain a popularity in 1950's quickly passed from the fashion seems it was reborn with in few years as shift in any study of the history this dress show on over & over again  

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Fashion is the Prevailing style accepted and use by the majority of the groups at any given time.

 Fashion is a Powerful force which touches every fact of our life. It influences what we wear, What we eat, What we live, How we Travel, What furnishing use at home.
It involves each of us individually, frequently and personal. It High-light the Personality and build up the self confidence.

One misconception about  Fashion adoption is that fashion commands only for Women. But Man also adopt Fashion as frequently as possible.

Second misconception is that, it is Mysterious and Unpredictable.

“Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.” Oscar Wilde 

Fashion is a Subject to Constant Changes. Some time Rapidly & Some time Slowly as soon as fashion is fully accepted it is adopt to begins to look too ordinary to some people and they reach beyond it to find some thing different something new.

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